Monday, September 23, 2013

Update on my blog

Well, I haven't blogged in well over 6 weeks because my hubby passed away very unexpectedly August 8th.  I haven't cooked a thing since that day as meals arrive every day at my house.  I am blessed beyond measure for all the fabulous food that has arrived on my doorstep.  Several of my friends have made recipes right off of here for my family.  Which goes to show that someone is liking what I am posting.  So, I am going to hopefully get back to blogging and cooking.  It is something that I really enjoy and have missed.


  1. I stumbled upon your blog because I was searching for chicken marinades--I know this post is old, but my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss. <3 <3

    1. Thank you! My posts have been few and far between but I am finally starting to get back to cooking again. I promise to have more new ones soon. Glad you find the chicken marinades. They are wonderful!
